Dear customers!
The office of Inges Kindlustus is located at a new address - Liivalaia 45, 7th FL, 10145 Tallinn.


Report damage

    When filling out the traffic damage report, please answer as many questions as you can. The provided data will be used and processed solely for handling the damage case and determining liability for compensation.

    Filling in the fields marked with an asterisk is mandatory. If these fields are not filled out, the report cannot be submitted *

    Notifier's Information

    Circumstances of the Traffic Accident

    Please provide the most accurate address or location - (county, city/rural municipality, street/village, house number/intersection, highway kilometer, etc.).

    Please make sure to include the make, model, and registration numbers of all vehicles involved in the accident, along with the details of individuals and witnesses: name, personal identification code, phone number, email address; indicate if there were cameras or similar devices at the scene. If personal identification codes and contact details of participants are provided in the "Traffic Accident Report" attached to this notification, there's no need to list them separately.

    Did Anyone Get Injured in the Accident?*

    Was the Police Notified of the Accident?*

    Was the Traffic Accident Report Form Filled Out?

    If the Traffic Accident Report Form was filled out on paper, please attach an image of it to this notification


    (photos: vehicles, injuries, accident scene; diagrams, on-site completed traffic accident report, copy of the vehicle's technical passport, copy of the driver's license, repair cost estimation)

    Claim for Compensation